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Jake Gyllenhaal Calls Himself A 'Troubled Uncle'

Jake Gyllenhaal doesn’t have any kids of his own, but his sister Maggie Gyllenhaal sure has ’em.
Which means Jake is an uncle!
He talked about his new role as an uncle recently on CBS This Morning.
Here’s what he said:

“I play a troubled uncle [in End of Watch], which is not dissimilar to my real life! I have a 3-month-old niece and a 6-year-old niece. Now that I see my nieces together, to see how much my younger niece admires my older niece even now, even at three months old, I can see what an influence someone can [have].”

We doubt he’s a troubled uncle, but rather a loving and supporting one!
Jake is OK in our book.
Keep on truckin‘ Jake!
[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 18, 2012 16:32pm PDT

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