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James Brown's Daughter Claims His Body Is Missing!



According to his illegitimate daughter LaRhonda Pettit, the body of James Brown is missing from its temporary crypt! Creepy!

Brown was being held at daughter Deanna’s house in South Carolina since his death in December 2006 while a public mausoleum is being prepared, but LaRhonda believes the body is gone to prevent her from carrying out an autopsy to figure out the real cause of his death.

She thinks he was killed by people trying to get their hands on his money, explaining:

“My daddy’s body has disappeared. I have no clue where it was taken, but I need to know where. I’m convinced his death was suspicious and I want the people responsible brought to justice. The only way to do that is to exhume his body and have an autopsy. I cannot understand why one was never conducted.

“It was common knowledge that my daddy took illegal drugs. He was also hooked on various prescription painkillers. At the very least there were enablers who helped cause his death.”

LaRhonda claimed her mother had an affair with James back in the ’60s and a DNA test confirmed that he is 99.9 percent likely to be her father. She was one of dozens who claimed to be his child after he died.

This all sounds very shady to us! And is his body really missing or is this chick out of her mind?

We wonder if Deanna will say anything since the body was in her home!

[Image via AP Images.]

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Mar 12, 2010 11:15am PDT

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