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Janet Jackson's Family STILL Has Yet To Forgive Justin Timberlake For The Previous Super Bowl Halftime Show!

Janet Jackson's Family STILL Has Yet To Forgive Justin Timberlake For The Previous Super Bowl Halftime Show!

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It sure sounds like Janet Jackson‘s family is still salty about Justin Timberlake‘s role in her infamous nipple-baring 2004 Super Bowl halftime show performance… and you know what? Can’t blame them!!!
Janet’s fam is speaking out this week ahead of Justin’s upcoming halftime show performance at Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis, and the whole fam is adamant that maybe it’s Janet who should be getting a shot at redemption here alongside Justin, too!
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We’ve already covered the fact that Justin is apparently NOT going to include Janet in his Super Bowl halftime performance, but Janet’s father Joseph Jackson plainly thinks that’s the wrong move (below):

“If he’s such a gentleman, he’d make sure Janet [Jackson] is there.”

Another unidentified family member told the New York Post (below):

“Justin’s solo career took off after that and Janet was blackballed. He says they are good, but let’s see him prove it and bring her out.”

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But as we know… that emotion hasn’t swayed Timberlake, who just the other day opened up about how he’s not going to have any special guests at the halftime show (below):

“To be honest, I had a ton of grand ideas about special guests. There’s a whole list. I think Vegas has a lot of odds on it, from ├óΓé¼╦£NSYNC to Jay [JAY-Z] to Chris Stapleton to Janet.”

And yet… nothing.
Guess we’ll see for sure on Sunday, but it increasingly looks like Janet will not be afforded the same shot at redemption as Justin.
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]

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Feb 03, 2018 15:51pm PDT