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Japanese Team Finds Oldest Galaxy

Oldest Galaxy
Here at FitPerez, we like to take a break once in a while from our namesake and just go balls-out science.
Imagine our curiosity when we hear that a team of Japanese astronomers located in Hawaii have found the oldest galaxy yet discovered!
Just how old and how far, you ask??
12.91bn light years away!
The problem is, basically everyone claims they’ve found ‘the oldest Galaxy.’
For instance, in 2010, a French team using Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope claimed to have discovered a galaxy 13.1bn light years away.
Last year a California team using Hubble said it had seen a galaxy 13.2bn light years away. You can see the problem.
The Japanese team insists that they’ve used methods everyone agrees on, so that means their case is legit.
If other people can come to the same conclusion on it, they might have something!

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Jun 14, 2012 15:00pm PDT

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