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Jason Wahler Relapses!

Thanks for nothing, Dr. Drew! He’s still an effing boozey douche!
Jason Wahler was recently released from the care of Celebrity Rehab, but it seems he’s fallen off the wagon and into keg of Coors Lite. Sources are reporting that as of last week, people have seen much non-improvement in his behavior. He was seen pAArtying at both Boa and Katsuya, while allegedly looking to one of his former Celebrity Rehab buddies for someplace to live!
However, whoever the fellow loser celeb was, they had the smarts to turn him away. They told sources that Jason’s behavior was totally “erratic” and that it was “clear his sobriety is no longer important to him.”
Oh boy! When will you learn?! No wait, better question – When will you just go away???
[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 20, 2010 12:20pm PDT

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