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More Blatant Racism From Trump's America -- Man Verbally Attacks Asian American Woman On Los Angeles Metro

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This certainly does NOT make America great.
This Donald Trump supporter (his words, not ours) did not hide his racist, sexist, and straight up despicable views when he unleashed nasty comments on an Asian American woman on the metro. This happened in Los Angeles.
After Jeanne Heo got her camera out and pressed record, she asked him why he asked her if she spoke English and if she was from Korea — and this was his response WHEN HE KNEW HE WAS BEING FILMED. Who knows what he has to say behind closed doors.
Related: Natalie Portman Remembers “Unacceptable” Encounter On A Producer’s Private Plane
Watch the disgusting confrontation and feel free to put this guy on blast (below):

According to her post on Facebook, two male onlookers ended up punching the guy and a woman offered to walk Heo to where she was going. Facebook took down her testimony for not following “Community Standards.”

Time’s up on this deep-rooted hate in our country, bbs. See something, say something, do something.
[Image via Twitter.]

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Feb 06, 2018 17:04pm PDT