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Star Seeker

Cameron Diaz

Check Out Jimmy Kimmel's Celeb-Filled, Oscar-Inspired Movie Parody Trailer HERE!

Check Out Jimmy Kimmel's Celeb-Filled, Oscar-Inspired Movie Parody Trailer HERE!

Check out Jimmy Kimmel’s HIGHlarious trailer for Movie: The Movie (above), which features appearances by pret-ty much every celebrity U can think of (except Jon Hamm! Why wasn’t he in there???)
Be sure to keep an eye out for Samuel L. Jackson on a snake-filled plane again, Helen Mirren being seriously bad-ass, and Matt Damon wearing the best. costume. ever.
Oh, and George Clooney’s performance here is (of course) totally epic! Ha!
What do U think of this Oscar-inspired movie parody trailer? Which celeb cameo is UR fave???

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Feb 27, 2012 15:56pm PDT