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Joe Jonas

Joe Jonas Strides Through Beverly Hills Without His Sober Coach Solo!

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Well, it looks like it’s safe to say that a break up isn’t going to stop this brother from enjoying his sunny mornings!

Joe Jonas seems to be livin’ the fast life despite the nasty rumors of his alleged drug abuse.

Maybe Joe is just being Joe and showing the world he’s got everything under control all while making a career changing move.

The middle Jonas was spotted taking a brisk in Beverly Hills on Friday morning and if you ask us, Joe looks like he’s doing great without his brothers!

He’s been spending time with friends, going out to lunch with them, running errands with his girlfriend and even making amends with an ex!

That doesn’t sound like someone who’s suffering from a secret drug addiction, but you never know!

We guess that’s just the way he rolls.

But seriously, are we ever going to exactly why the joint Twitter account is gone and why the tour was cancelled?!

[Image via AKM-GSI.]

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Oct 19, 2013 12:50pm PDT

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