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Whoa -- Justin Bieber Left The Club With THIS Woman On Friday Night?!

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Well, nobody saw this coming!
Justin Bieber has had an, um, eventful week. There was the whole leaked-dick-pic scandal, and then Justin’s dad, uhh, congratulating his son for it. And how could we forget Justin’s own interpretation of the whole thing?!
Related: Bieber Spotted With Hailey Baldwin After Peen Pics Leaked
But despite all that kookiness, this little tidbit could top all that! According to reports, the Biebs spent Friday night at a club in West Hollywood. So far, so good — typical Bieber behavior, right?!
Well… it’s who he left the club with that’s causing a stir: sources say Kourtney Kardashian, who was also at the club last night, got into Bieber’s SUV at the end of the night and the two of them drove away together.
What the what?!
Sure, this probably means nothing. He was just giving her a ride home, right? RIGHT?!
What do U think??
[Image via Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

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Oct 10, 2015 11:36am PDT