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Kate Gosselin's Twins Take Another Shot At Interviews And This Time They SPEAK! Watch HERE!

It looks like these two FINALLY found their voices!!
One of the last times we saw Kate Gosselin, she was being absolutely humiliated by her 13-yr-old twins Cara and Mady, who decided to play the quiet game during one of the most cringe-worthy interviews EVER!
Well, the girls decided to take another stab at it and headed over to The View to say what was on their minds, and this time they actually talked! A lot!!!
Cara and Mady opened up about pretty much everything, from their love of One Direction and Demi Lovato to how annoyed they get by their six younger siblings!
The girls also said they weren’t quite done being in the spotlight as they both showed interest in doing another reality show down the road, and Mady says she wants to be a singer!
Aside from throwing Justin Bieber under the bus, the interview was a LOT more pleasant this time around, however, both girls once again lost their voices when they were asked about their father Jon Gosselin!
Oh well. At least they actually spoke this time, right??
Ch-ch-check out the interview (above)!

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Jan 20, 2014 15:05pm PDT