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Animal Cruelty

Katy Perry Fires Back At PETA's Counter-Roar With American Humane Association Letter!

katy perry roar cleavage gif

We previously mentioned that PETA wasn’t too happy with Katy Perry’s animal filled music video.

She recently dropped the video for her new song Roar and in it, and there are several animal actors.

PETA’s Merrilee Burke was upset, saying things like:

“What you may not know ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ as most people do not ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ is that animals used for entertainment in film and television endure horrific cruelty and suffer from extreme confinement and violent training methods.”

But as we already knew, Katy is a HUGE animal lover and so of course she wouldn’t do anything to endanger or overly stress an animal!

So she fired back in a letter from the American Humane Association, saying:

“American Humane Association was on set for the filming of the above referenced music video, which used an elephant, a monkey, birds and a tiger. After reviewing the reports, we believe that the Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media were followed and that no animal was harmed in the making of this music video.”

See?! We knew that Katy was caring enough to make sure everything was done by the books.

Insiders even said that it was the animals that dictated the pace of the shoot, so the animals came first!

Way to be a friend to the animals, Katy!! RAWR!!!

[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 17, 2013 12:11pm PDT