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Keith Richards

Keith Richards Smacks Swedish Journalist


Oh dear. Violence is never the answer, especially over something that happened so long ago.

Reports out of Sweden claim that Keith Richards lost his cool with a journalist yesterday and physically attacked him during their interview.

Keith is currently on a promotional tour for his new autobiography and granted the Swedish publication Aftonbladets a 30-minute interview without knowing who the reporter was. It turned out to be Markus Larsson, who back in 2007, gave the Rolling Stones a scathing concert review, describing them as “amateurs.”

Now, no one will deny that the Stones, regardless of the critics, are one of the biggest and best rock bands in the world. One would think above anyone else, the fellas of the band would know that best. But it seems that review has always stuck with Keith and having not forgotten the slight, got into a fierce argument with the reporter once he realized who he was. Keith demanded a public apology from Markus and when he refused, things turned ugly!

According to sources, the “meeting ended with the rock star threatening Markus Larsson and hitting him in the head.” In Markus write-up, he added that Richards hissed, “You’re lucky to get out of here alive” before leaving.

Yikes! A little much, don’t you think, Keith? Doesn’t sound like the guy was worth that much trouble!

[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 10, 2010 17:00pm PDT

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