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Celebrity Feuds

Watch Out Xtina! Kelly Is Off The Wagon...And The Claws Are Out!

Looks like Kelly Osbourne is back to the bottle and she still hates Xtina‘s guts!
Sources say that Kelly has been boozing for awhile and after the Golden Globes, things got really nasty.
A friend of the fashionista said the following while at a GG after party:

Kelly was so wasted. At one point she almost fell back and I had to catch her!
When she gets drinking her hatred for Christina Aguilera really comes out. She spent the entire night talking about how much she hates Christina!

Kelly has been super vocal about her despise of Xtina, stating that the singer has called her fat for many years.
Now that Xtina has gone pudge, Kelly revels in the fact that she is winning the battle of the bulge, even gloating on her show:

She called me fat for so many f***ing years. So you know what? F**k you! You’re fat too.

Kelly had been sober since 2009 after a trip to rehab.
UPDATE: Kelly is denying it!! Apparently she wasn’t even at any of those parties!! She tweets:

thats funny because i was not even at any of the after parties i was working!!!!
i will say this till I’m blue in the face I DO ENOUGH STUPID SHIT YOU DONT NEED TO MAKE THINGS UP

[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 19, 2012 14:40pm PDT