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Kylie Jenner Flaunts Her New Giant Tattoo!!

Kylie Jenner shared a snap of a new tattoo on instagram... but is it real??
Kylie Jenner is all about two things: fashion and faking out her fans with sharpie tattoos.
Seeing as how she’s only 16 years old, we feel like any of her “tattoos” she shares online are most likely fake.
But you never know! Let’s take a closer look…
She is clearly flaunting the tattoo in her latest instagram pic, it’s easy to see she wants people to notice it.
Sure, she’s wearing a busy, cool looking necklace, but that tat is huge!
Also, only half of her face is visible, so clearly, it’s something on her body we’re supposed to be seeing.
She specifically tries to draw attention away from the tat by captioning the photo simply:

“coca cola”

Hmm, we can barely see that beverage, but it does lead the eye right to her hideous tattoo.
Oh yeah, that’s the most damning piece of evidence. The soda glass leads right into that huuuuuge tat on her arm.
What a show-off!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Feb 26, 2014 10:02am PDT