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Animal Cruelty

Did Lea Michele's Letter Push NY's Governor To Crack Down On Puppy Mills??

Lea Michele introduces her new pooch named Pearl in a sexy photoshoot
New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has got the right idea!
The governor signed a bill that will allow local municipalities to enact and enforce their own laws regarding commercial dog breeding facilities, aka puppy mills.
The law not only allows them to regulate themselves, but also makes it easier to crack down harder on breeders than ever before in New York, which now means that pet dealers will be able to oversee how the pups are raised as far as health and safety conditions are concerned.
Local governments can even require that pet shops only sell dogs raised in a healthy, safe environment, basically denying puppy mills the ability to sell dogs.
The bill was supported not only by the Humane Society of the United States but also Lea Michele!!
Lea had literally written NY’s governor a letter only a few days before he signed the new bill, writing:

“As a lifelong New Yorker and a recent dog owner, I couldn’t be more delighted that our great, progressive state has considered large-scale commercial puppy mills-breeding factories where female dogs are constantly impregnated and forced to live in cages in their own excrement-an unnecessary cruelty that deserves local oversight.”

We bet she’s just as happy as we are that dogs are safer in NY now!
Now all we need is for the rest of the country to follow suit…
Stop the puppy mills!!
[Image via Lea Michele.]

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Jan 15, 2014 13:02pm PDT