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Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio Angrily Has Lunch With A Friend In New York! No GFs Or Models In Sight!

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Oh hey there Leo, is that you hiding under that grey hat and long mane?!

Leonardo DiCaprio is such a sneaky and elusive person! He’s not spotted out much, but when he is, it’s such a SIGHt to see!!


The Great Gatsby actor was recognized under his disguise having lunch with a friend on Wednesday in New York.

But it didn’t look like he was enjoying his lunch…maybe it’s because he was having lunch with a guy friend instead of his usual exotic gal pals in other counties!


When the actor isn’t working, he’s clearly hanging out with his one of many model gal pals (not girlfriend because we know how much he doesn’t like to be tied down. Lolz!), his friends or he’s roaming around in Oliver Stone‘s fantasy as Christian Grey!

Hm, could he be sad at the fact that he wasn’t approached or even considered for the ever-so-coveted Fifty Shades of Grey role??

Well, if he needs some consoling, he can TOTES call us!!

We’re always available if you ever need anything, Leo, anything. 😉

[Image via Pacific Coast News.]

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Oct 24, 2013 10:09am PDT

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