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Let's Hope This Isn't A Trend!


First that evil dude from Austria….

Now, Eleuterio Soria, a 73 year old man in Argentina, has been sentenced to 16 years in prison for his truly vile ways.

What’d he do???

Soria raped his daughter, kept her prisoner and fathered two children with her!

The case is similar to that of crazed Austrian Josef Fritzl (pictured above), who kept his daughter locked up for 24 years.

Sergio Antin, the Prosecuting Attorney in Argentina, said of the similarities, “If we’re talking about sexual subjugation, and we take into account that the victim did not leave the house, yes, there are similarities,”

It was revealed that Soria began to abuse his daughter back in 1992 when she was only 12 years old!!!!

What a sick fuck!

The next year, she became pregnant by her father, which caused her mother to leave their home. The family’s five other children eventually left as well.

Wait, so the mother found out and didn’t do anything about it? Didn’t turn him in? Didn’t take her daughter away from him? What?!?!

The daughter had a second child with her father later in 1997.

Instead of using imprisonment like Fritzl did to his daughter, Soria used psychological threats instead to keep her in the house.

It was reported that she did flee on various ocassions, but she would always go home after the crazed Soria would threaten the lives of their two children, at GUNPOINT!

Poor girl, must have soooo many psychological issues.

Note to everyone out there: if it happens once, RUN AWAY THEN and report it to officials.

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May 22, 2008 12:30pm PDT

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