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Liam Hemsworth Playing International Fugitive Edward Snowden!? Get The Thrilling Deets HERE!

liam hemsworth edward snowden film thriller prism phillip noyce
Stranger things have happened, we suppose!!!
(We’re looking at you, cat sushi!)
Acclaimed film director Phillip Noyce hopes to make a film about PRISM-whistleblower Edward Snowden, and he thinks Miley Cyrus‘ fianc├â┬⌐ is the perfect man for the job!!
Liam Hemsworth is mostly known for his roles in the Hunger Games films, and also for looking super hot walking out of the gym, but we think the 23-year-old Australian is totally ready for super serious part!!
In a recent interview about the possibility of turning the real life espionage drama into a film, the director said:

“This is a movie that’s playing out before our eyes, even though we can’t see anything. We can’t see the hero or the villain — the central character. Like my last big movie, ‘Salt,’ it’s a story where you’re not quite certain if you’re dealing with a heroine or a villain. And we may not be certain until the end of the movie or even beyond that. That’s a beautiful duality to deal with when you’re making a story or watching a movie. You can speculate he’s motivated by complete unselfish motives through belief in protecting worldwide public interests. Or you can speculate he was himself a victim of knowing that notoriety might bring him immortality.”

Snowden is currently holed up in Russia, unsuccessfully begging pretty much every country in the world for political asylum.
Oooh!!! Liam should let him crash on his couch! It’ll totally help him get into character!!
Hooray for sleepovers!!!
P.S. — Mr. Snowden is a good-looking fugitive!! We’d totally watch him and Liam sword fight with their peen PRISMs!!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 03, 2013 11:22am PDT