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Lindsay Lohan Has A New Advertising Gig & It All Makes Sense!

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Ideally, people would get to endorse products they use, and that very well may be the case for Lindsay Lohan!
The actress is no stranger when it comes to car accidents! So, her newest endorsement gig, which is reportedly for Esurance, all makes sense!
Miz Lohan was spotted shooting a commercial for the Allstate subsidiary in Long Beach recently, though no further details have come out.
[ Related: Lindsay Lohan Is Battling A Rare, Untreatable Virus — Scary Deets HERE ]
In case you’ve lost track of LiLo’s accident history, she was arrested for a DUI in 2007, possibly took some people hostage during a joy ride later that year and got another DUI. In 2010, she hit a baby stroller, in 2012 Lindsay hit a car, a man, and an 18 wheeler.
So, it sounds like she’ll be selling something she knows a thing or two about. LOLz!

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Jan 18, 2015 12:13pm PDT

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