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7 Healthy Tips To Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting

Yoga diet control

Let’s face it. Diets suck.

If you’re not willing to commit to a new diet, here are 7 easy tips that will help you lose weight without cutting all of the food you love out of your life.

1. Practice portion control!

While you may not be willing to sacrifice your favorite food for the sake of losing weight, it’s always a good idea to cut back on how much of it you eat.

A good way to keep track of portions is to keep a visual food diary. In fact, studies have shown that recording meals may help you lose 5 percent of your weight!

Take advantage of your iPhone’s camera and take a quick snapshot of every meal you eat to keep track of portion size!

2. Fill up with a multivitamin.

Studies in the British Journal of Nutrition have revealed that those who regularly take a multivitamin weight less AND have lower BMIs.

3. Switch up your workout and try circuit training!

Combine cardio and strength training in circuit-style exercises to burn more calories.

Jim Stoppani, Ph.D., author of the Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength, says “doing a whole-body workout employs more muscle, which in turn burns more fat.”

4. Eat more vitamin C!

Research in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition has found that regularly consuming at least 500 milligrams of vitamin C can help your body burn 30% more fat during a workout.

5. Eat more fruit!

Speaking of vitamin C, fruit is an excellent way to boost your intake, as well as cut your calorie count!

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found filling up on fruit and veggies will keep your stomach full, but your caloric intake down.

Nutritional experts suggest “follow the rainbow”. Meaning, the more colorful fruits and veggies in your diet, the healthier you will be!

6. Take advantage of the buddy system.

You don’t have to hold hands, but a workout buddy offers support and encouragement to keep up with your fitness goals. Studies show those who workout with a partner lose weight faster than those who don’t.

7. Chill out and just breathe!

When we’re stressed we like to eat, so chill out with some yoga.

Ralph LaForge, an exercise physiologist in the endocrine department of the Duke University Medical Center, says:

“Yogic breathing offsets this. When you’re relaxed, you don’t have as much hunger pain. People make better food choices when they’re relaxed.”

These tips are no quick fix, but should definitely help shave off a few pounds over time if they are utilized regularly. Good luck!

[Image via AP Images.]

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Jun 27, 2011 11:30am PDT

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