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Baby Blabber

Madonna Adoption Request Rejected!!!!

That poor little baby!
Madonna‘s attempt to adopt a motherless little girl, living in an orphonage in Malawi, was shot down by a local judge on Friday.
“The decision came down to residency requirement and the fact that the judge believes she was being well taken care of in the orphanage,” said Zione Ntaba, a spokeswoman for the Malawi Justice Department. “For the Malawians, the fact that the child is at an orphanage, is being taken care of and is going through the school education system, that does qualify as the best interests of a child.”
You see, that’s the problem!!!! If “residency” was an issue this time around, then they shouldn’t have made an “exception” for Madonna when she adopted little David from Malawai without having residency!
It was not clear why Judge Esme Chombo ruled differently Friday. Another judge had handled Madonna’s previous adoption case.
Plus, a baby would be better suited in an orphanage instead of at a loving home with a mother and siblings – and LOTS of money????
If she’s so inclined, Madonna can appeal today’s ruling to Malawi’s Supreme Court.
[Photo via AP Images.]

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Apr 03, 2009 08:32am PDT

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