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Is Madonna About To Become The Face Of The Anti-Trump Movement??

Is Madonna About To Become The Face Of The Anti-Trump Movement??

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We need controversial celebs now more than ever, it’d seem!!
And from what it sounds like, Madonna might just be up to the task — because she’s been approached by a legendary songwriter to record a protest track that could serve as an anthem against Donald Trump.
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The singer, who took a lot of heat this week for saying she had thought about blowing up the White House while speaking at the Women’s March in Washington last weekend, has been approached by songwriter Bruce Roberts on a project, according to TMZ.
See, Roberts wrote Enough is Enough for Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer, and now he wants Madonna to re-record that anthem with specific lyrics that “express disdain for Trump’s policies.”
According to Roberts — who apparently wants Madonna in the studio immediately to capitalize on Trump’s presidency — it won’t be a personal attack on the Cheeto-in-Chief, but rather a takedown of how he is hurting the American people.
And the disco staple will stay close to its roots, too; Streisand and Summer will apparently remain on the hook, to keep the feel the song has had for so long.
Related: Drumpf’s Team’s Incompetence Knows No Bounds
If you’ve never heard it, here’s a recent remix that showcases Streisand and Summer, and might give you an idea of what Madonna could do with it (below):

What do U think, Perezcious readers?! Should Madonna be the voice of the anti-Trump resistance for the next four years, at least as it relates to music??
Let us know in the comments (below)!!!
[Image via Dan Jackman/Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]

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Jan 28, 2017 11:46am PDT