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Fisherman Catches A Prehistoric Looking Sea Creature Off The Florida Coast

mark the shark fisherman catches prehistoric looking skate miami
What’s up with all of these cray cray animals?!
Another odd looking sea creature was caught off the Florida coast on Saturday, and it was wild!
The fisherman who caught it, Mark “The Shark” Quartiano, said it looked “like some kind of dinosaur.” He said the Dactylobatus clarkii was the scientific name for the animal.
However, it turned out to be much less mysterious when the Florida Museum of Natural History‘s George H. Burgess said it was just a roughtail stingray named Dasyatis centroura. He explained:

“Most anglers don’t bottom-fish in these deeper waters so they aren’t routinely seen by that user group, but commercial longline fishers and research biologists see the critter fairly commonly. Obviously large adults like this require heavy fishing gear and strong backs–they aren’t great fighters, but they weight a bunch and are prone to suck their body onto the bottom like a kiddie arrow tip. Once the suction is broken it’s basically a matter of hoisting up a big weight.”

Well, even if it’s a totally normal sea creature, and not the oldest thing ever, it still looks super cool!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Nov 26, 2013 16:24pm PDT

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