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Matt Damon Admits He Knew Harvey Weinstein Sexually Harassed Gwyneth Paltrow Years Ago

Matt Damon continues to speak up about Harvey Weinstein.
Matt Damon
is continuing to open up about Harvey Weinstein, and what he did and didn’t know about the alleged sexual harasser and assaulter!
In a Monday morning interview on Good Morning America with Suburbicon costar George Clooney, the two actors criticized the former Miramax cofounder.
Related: Harvey’s Psychologist Disputes Reports Of Him Being Difficult
That’s when the Jason Bourne star admitted he knew Gwyneth Paltrow was sexually harassed by Weinstein after Ben Affleck told him:

“I knew the story about Gwyneth [Paltrow] from Ben [Affleck], because he was with her after Brad [Pitt], so I knew that story. But I was working with Gwyneth with Harvey on Ripley. I never talked to Gwyneth about it. Ben told me. I knew that they had come to whatever, agreement or understanding that they had come to, she had handled it. She was, you know, the first lady of Miramax. And he treated her incredibly respectfully, always.”

The A-lister was just one of many to come out to accuse Harvey of sexual harassment.
So talking about working with the movie producer personally, Matt reiterated he had no idea about the “predation”:

“He bought Good Will Hunting, he bought it in 1997, I did five movies in quick succession, he signed me up for a three-picture deal. I didn’t work with him after that. I was there at the height of his power, and what you knew back then, you had to spend about five minutes [with him] to know he was a bully and intimidating… Miramax was the place that was making great stuff in the ’90s, so when people say everybody knew, yeah, I knew he was an [expletive]. He was proud of that. That’s how he carried himself, and I knew he was a womanizer… But this level of criminal, sexual predation is not something that I ever thought was going on.”

He continued about the controversial movie mogul’s “darkness”:

“He didn’t do it out in the open. If there was an event with Harvey, and he was doing this kind of thing and I missed it, and there were some women who was assaulted, at the Golden Globes or something like that, and I somehow missed it, then I’m sorry.”

George added his own take, saying he didn’t believe Weinstein when he would brag about his affairs with actresses:

“I didn’t think they were having affairs with Harvey, and clearly they didn’t. But the idea that this predator, this assaulter was out there silencing women like that, it’s beyond infuriating. The fact that the story is coming out, and as more of it comes out, I want to know all of it.”

You can watch the clip from the duo’s interview with Michael Strahan (below):

[Image via IPA/Patricia Schlein/WENN.]

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Oct 23, 2017 11:49am PDT