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Meghan Markle's Final Words To Royals Revealed As More Comes Out About Decision To Exit

Meghan Markle Final Words To Royals

Apparently, Meghan Markle tried even harder than we realized to make things work with the royal family before Megxit.

But it sounds like trying your hardest still isn’t always enough to keep the Windsors happy…

For anyone who hasn’t caught our previous coverage on this, Meghan and Prince Harry walked away from the Firm back in March of 2020. We’re now learning that after she finished her final duties as a senior royal member, she spoke with Omid Scobie before her departure, and she had something very succinct, yet incredibly power to say to him.

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She stressed:

“It didn’t have to be this way.”

Big Yikes!!

That is simply heartbreaking, especially for a mother who is now expecting her second child. What a time to be cut off from the rest of the family!

Scobie, who has been a long-time royal reporter, divulged to Us Weekly about the terrible state this entire ordeal left Meghan in. About her emotions during this time, he admitted:

“She was standing in the middle of the palace, and she knew she would never be there again as a working member of the royal family. In that moment you realize it wasn’t just a difficult couple that failed to make it work. It was an entire institution that failed to nurture and protect a newcomer into the fold.”

He’s definitely got that right about an entire institution failing yet another royal couple. We all know about Diana Spencer‘s tragic tale, but then there’s also the unfortunate situation with Edward VIII abdicating the throne because of his desire to be with a woman deemed unworthy.

For all its fictitious moments, The Crown has done an excellent job of highlighting one glaring truth about the royal family: you play by their rules, and there is no other option. Just saying!!!

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Markle is yet another person involved in all of this. But fortunately for her and Harry, they seem to have gotten out relatively unscathed. And Scobie had a lot to say in their defense.

He added:

“I hope people realize this is a couple that tried everything they could to make it work before they stepped away. Rather than following the narrative that they just quit because they couldn’t have it their way.”


“It’s a problem we see over and over again: Women marrying into the royal family, and they leave battered and bruised. I think that, really, the treatment of women within the royal family, or newcomers, is where the true problems lie.”

We definitely agree with him there, and we can’t wait what Markle has to say in that much-anticipated upcoming Oprah Winfrey interview on Sunday, March 7.

Perhaps there’s more truth that we’ll hear, beyond the teasers, that will shed more light on her treatment as an outsider.

But what do y’all think? How do U see Megxit, now that you know insider info like this??

Drop us a comment below!

[Image via WENN/Avalon]

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Mar 06, 2021 14:19pm PDT