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Mel Gibson Unleashes On Police At DUI Stop!

mel gibson police stop dui checkpoint driving without license

We feel like we’ve heard this story before… sometime back in 2006…

At least this time around, the ending doesn’t involve an anti-semantic tirade!

Mel Gibson just can’t stay out of trouble- and this time he’s lucky he stayed out of jail!

According to law enforcement sources, the Braveheart star was stopped by police in Malibu last weekend at a routine late night DUI checkpoint.

But Mel did not appreciate the 1 AM stop- probably because he didn’t have his driver’s license with him!

When the officers told him he had to move to another screening spot, Mel reportedly EXPLODED, screaming:

“Why are you harassing me?!”

Well, Mel was lucky and kept his FREEEEEDOM this time, because the officers let the star off with a warning! They must have been big Lethal Weapon fans.

That or the night was getting too old for this sh*t! LOLz!

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Sep 06, 2013 11:50am PDT

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