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WTF, Goldberg?! Former Mighty Ducks Star Gets Real-Life Penalty Box Time Over Shoplifting Bust!

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You remember Goldberg, the fat goalie from the Mighty Ducks movies, right?!
The actor’s name is Shaun Weiss, and he’s facing some serious time out in the penalty box now because, after growing up, he’s decided to shoplift a few too many times!
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According to a report out this morning in TMZ, Shaun was at a Fry’s Electronics store in El Lay earlier this month when he stole $151 in merchandise and was arrested.
Two days after the arrest, he pleaded no contest to petty theft, and was sentenced to 150 days in the El Lay County Jail — yikes!!
A sentence that steep is because this isn’t the first shoplifting issue he’s had; Weiss reportedly was busted earlier for another petty theft, and the judge took that into account when making his decision.
Not a good look!!
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According to Don Gibble, Weiss’ manager, he is hopeful that the 150-day sentence will set Shaun straight:

“[Shaun] hopes jail will help him, and maybe while he is in jail he will write something.”

Write something as in comedy — Shaun is a comic.
Let’s just hope he gets the help he needs.
In case you forgot, this is Shaun, as Goldberg, in the original Mighty Ducks movie (below):

Come on, Goldberg!
Here’s to getting better and staying out of trouble!!
[Image via Nikki Nelson/WENN.]

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Jul 29, 2017 11:59am PDT