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Mila Kunis Talks More Kids & Admits She Would Bury A Body For Daughter Wyatt -- 'I Wouldn't Even Question It'

Mila Kunis
Don’t mess with this momma!
In a recent interview in New York, Mila Kunis opened up about being a protective mother to one-year-old Wyatt — to the point where she would even cover up a murder!
Ashton Kutcher‘s wife joked:

“I think if she killed someone, I’d literally be like, ‘I got it, where do you want me to help bury the body?’ Like, I wouldn’t even question it and I can’t say that about anybody else in my life.”

LOLz. Well, we think she was joking anyway…
Related: Mila’s Silliest On-Screen Moments!
The 32-year-old actress also gushed about how motherhood has transformed her entire life:

“Everything is different, from the fact that you’re so happy when you get six hours of sleep to the idea of being responsible for this incredible, living breathing little human being that you can’t believe is yours.”

So does that mean we are going to see more little KuKu’s running around anytime soon??

“I mean, not today. I’m not pregnant. This isn’t about to become a thing! Not today, but yeah, absolutely. For sure!”

We’ll take it!
The That ’70s Show star has spent most of the past year focusing on the newborn, but admits it’s time to get back to work:

“I’m super lucky that I could work from home, so to speak. There’s officers, but my office is downstairs. There’s coming a point in her little life where all my attention can’t always go to her. So there’s got to be a happy balance to both.”

We’d say Wyatt is one lucky little girl!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 23, 2015 13:07pm PDT

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