Can you even believe this is Mila Kunis without makeup???
Because it is, and we can barely even comprehend how gorgeous she is without a scrap of help!
Ashton Kutcher├óΓé¼Γäós lover stars in her second set of Gemfields ads, and these ones focus on natural beauty — hence the bare-faced approach. The concept lines up perfectly with the title of the emerald company├óΓé¼Γäós 2014 campaign, “Beauty By Nature”!
While Mila admits she was initially nervous about being so naked in front of the camera, with the help of famed fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh she eventually ended up feeling — and looking — her beautiful best!
Hear what Miz Kunis has to say about it …AFTER THE JUMP!!!
And check out Mila’s campaign photos along with behind the scenes pics (below)!
P.S. CLICK HERE to see Scarlett Johansson and Kate Winslet without makeup!
[Image via Peter Lindbergh/Gemfields.]
Mila Kunis Is A Bare-Faced Beauty In Her Latest Gemfields Photo Shoot!

Feb 07, 2014 19:32pm PDT