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Miley Cyrus

YES! Miley Likes The Miley Cyrus Show!

Wow! Glad to hear gurlfriend has a sense of humor!
Because let’s face it: that sketch is HIGHlarious!
Ever since we heard that the MileyBird would be swooping down and hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend with The Strokes as musical guest, we’ve been speculating whether or not she’d be self-deprecating and chill enough to participate in the show’s recurring The Miley Cyrus Show segment, and after her interview last night on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, we’re thrilled to report that all signs are pointing to YES!
She said:

“On my last movie everyone was scared to show me ‘The Miley Cyrus Show‘ and thought I would be offended but I think they got tired of it because I made them watch it over and over again! We started doing our own little acting exercises and started writing our own ‘Miley Cyrus Show.’ I was the producer of that; I watched them all, and we had special guests. One of my friends does a really good Keira Knightley! I kind of want to beg them to let me stay for a little while!”

Oh man! LOLz! We’re not going to lie, that is some shiz we would PAY to see!
But hopefully we’ll get our fix Saturday! Fingers crossed!
What do U think?? Do U want to see The Miley Cyrus Show actually WITH Miley Cyrus??

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Mar 04, 2011 13:20pm PDT

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