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Miley's Fan Club Cheats Its Members

Joining the Miley Cyrus fan club is sort of like an episode of Hannah Montana – you think you’re getting one thing, and then it takes off its wig and it’s something totally different!
Members will receive free extended membership after the fan club neglected to give them early access to concert tickets, as it advertised it would. Tickets didn’t take long to sell out and we’re sure many parents were left with the miserable task of consoling their hormonal tweenagers.
In a lawsuit filed against Interactive Media Marketing Inc. of Nashville, the company was required to pony up $20,000 in penalties, as well as post a notice on the Web site saying, “Purchase of a MileyWorld fan club membership does not guarantee access to tickets” in addition to the extended memberships.
Although with membership worth $29.95 a year, it really doesn’t seem fair!
The moral of the story is: Dump Miley!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 12, 2009 15:00pm PDT

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