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Injured Model Lauren Scruggs Is Blogging Again!

We have some good news to share about model and blogger Lauren Scruggs.
After suffering that horrific airplane accident which took her left hand and her left eye, Scruggs is now being fitted with a prosthetic hand!
She’s doing so much better, that she even took to her blog for the first time since the accident and wrote:

i don’t know how to thank each one of you, properly, for so much love during this difficult incident in my life. my heart is so grateful beyond what i could ever imagine. so thank you dearly for the sweet encouragements, the precious words in letters and messages, the beautiful grace in pretty presents, but mostly i am so SO thankful for you and your loving hearts and sweet spirits. i wonderfully know that we are all so adored by the amazing and powerful Lord, and nothing is greater than walking in His planned-out lives. Jesus Christ is imaginably glorious and worthy of all praise even in the hardest moments. love, lo

Here’s to a speedy recovery!

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Jan 13, 2012 19:00pm PDT

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