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Spelling Bee Forced To Stop Because The Organizers Ran Out Of Words!

high five spelling bee gif
Something magical happened recently in Kansas City, Missouri.
At the annual Jackson County Spelling Bee this past Saturday the competition had been narrowed down from 25 students to two students after 19 rounds. Which would indicate that the end was near.
However, neither fifth-grader Sophia Hoffman nor seventh-grader Kush Sharma felt like losing, and the two combined to go an amazing 66 rounds!!!
After the two whittled down the entire list of words that was provided by the Scripps National Spelling Bee – the two also made their way through an extra 20 words, randomly picked from a dictionary, before officials decided to halt the contest so they could regroup!
Another reason they decided to stop was because they didn’t want to be unfair to either contestant in case one student got a hard word, and the other got a comparably easier one!
What’s even more extraordinary about this epic spelling bee was that the winner from the year before had won after only 21 rounds — which means this particular contest was about three times as long!
Some of the words that student Kush Sharma correctly spelled were: Scherzo, fantoccini, and intaglio. While Sophia Hoffman nailed words such as: schadenfreude, mahout, and barukhzy.
Very impressive indeed!
The contest will resume on the date of March 8th in an unspecified location — the winner of that showdown will move on to the national spelling bee contest in Washington, D.C. this coming May.
Although if it were up to us – we’d send both of these youngsters to the nation’s capital.
Both of them totally deserve it!!!

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Feb 24, 2014 19:58pm PDT