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Gross! Former New Found Glory Guitarist Accused Of Lewd Conduct With A Minor & Possessing Child Porn!

We really hope this turns out to not be true because this whole story grosses us out.
New Found Glory guitarist Steve Klein is being accused of talking with a minor via video chat on an adult website.
Apparently, Steve had already been arraigned in December on charges that include 2 counts of lewd conduct with a minor under the age of 14, 3 counts of lewd conduct with a minor 14 or 15, 1 count of intent to commit lewd acts with a minor, and 1 count of possession of child pornography.
Steve, who was released without bail, has pleaded not guilty to these charges, and will appear in court again on March 20th and April 10th.
Meanwhile, upon hearing of Steve’s charges, New Found Glory decided to part ways with the guitarist so he can focus on his legal troubles.
Steve’s lawyer that Steve’s chats were consensual and that he believed all the women he was talking to were of age, that none of these women are known and so their age cannot be proven, and that the child pornography charge comes solely from his alleged possession of these video chats.
We hope that these allegations turn out to be false, because it’d be pretty disgusting otherwise. We’re kind of sick to our stomachs over this.
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 13, 2014 13:50pm PDT

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