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Nike Announces Performance Hijab For Muslim Women On The Move!

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Way to go, Nike!
While Donald Trump is trying to ban Muslims, the sports giant decided they’d try to swoop in and give them a hand!
With the new Nike Pro Hijab, Muslim women can stay active without sacrificing their beliefs. The material is opaque but full of tiny, invisible holes for better breathability — so the head doesn’t overheat!
Related: Nike Has FINALLY Launched Its First Ever Plus Size Range!
Emirati figure skater Zahra Lari (above, center), who has been sporting a prototype, said in a statement:

“I was thrilled and a bit emotional to see Nike prototyping a Hijab. I’ve tried so many different hijabs for performance, and … so few of them actually work for me. But once I put it on and took it for a spin on the ice, I was blown away by the fit and the light weight.”

So cool! Whether you believe in Islam or the Greek goddess of victory, women should be comfortable!
What do YOU think of the Pro Hijab?
[Image via Nike.]

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Mar 07, 2017 18:18pm PDT

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