There are lots of single mothers out there who struggle to make ends meet with just one child, but unemployed Nadya Suleman will be receiving a fleet of nannies to aid with the 14 children she decided to give birth to via in vitro fertilization.
Angels in Waiting will provide round-the-clock care for the Octo-Mom’s litter. The organization specializes in helping new mothers care for their premature babies.
With the new babies nearing release from the hospital and Octo-Mom moving into a new home, Angels in Waiting – which estimates that it will cost $135,000 a month to care for the octuplets – will help prepare the house for their arrival.
At this point, Nariah weighs 3.5 lbs; Makai, 3.5 lbs; Jeremiah, 3.5 lbs; Jonah, 2.5; Josiah, 2.5 lbs; Noah, 4.5 lbs; Isaiah, 4.5 lbs; and Maliah, 4 lbs for a combined weight of 28.5 lbs – the weight of 3 healthy babies.
And while the premies’ health is improving rapidly, Octo-Mom knows that they still face many obstacles such as “delayed walking and delayed speech, but that’s where early intervention is key. It’s really critical, and that’s why I’m going to do what I can. That’s also why I’ll be getting a lot of help. The nannies that I’m going to use have already been trained to really work with them to decrease the probability of any of that happening.”
As for the rest of Octo-Mom’s litter, they don’t seem to be taking the new additions too well. They are “externalizing their anger, internalizing it,” Octo-Mom said, “They become more withdrawn and get a little more sad. One of my kids for a while, I noticed he didn’t want to deal with the reality of what’s going on. I noticed some tears coming down his face. I held him for 10 minutes, and he held me back and that’s all he needed.”
So let’s see, you were pissed that your parents gave you no siblings and now your children are pissed that you gave them a million siblings.
Sounds totally healthy!
[Image via WENN.]
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