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Octo-Mom Denied Her Babies!

Octo-Mom never fails to amuse us!
Nadya Suleman is pouting that the hospital won’t let her take some of her litter home with her. Two of her sons were supposed to be released to her on Monday, but hospital officials decided to keep them.
The truth is that Santa Angelina stole them!
Octo-Mom whined, “I’m really upset about this. I really wanted to return to a normal life. I know the hospital is doing its best for the kids, but I never asked for all of this. It just makes me sad, and I’m going to do everything I can to get them back, but I also need to please the hospital.”
Wait wait wait – “a normal life”?
Most normal people don’t have 14 kids!
“Never asked for this”?
Oh, so the in-vitro whack-job doctor just turkey baster-ed you without your permission? Really, Nadya?
Octo-Mom is having her Octo-Cave inspected for gas leaks and is going to have CO2 monitors installed so she can house the little ones who are still too weak to breathe on their own.
We wish this was all just a joke!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 17, 2009 16:09pm PDT

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