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Octo-Mom's Other Babies Coming Home, Whether We Like It Or Not!

As we mentioned yesterday, Octopussy Nadya Suleman fired Angels in Waiting, a nonprofit group of nurses that had been helping her take care of her litter of kids and even training her current nannies.
And, now, just one day after the news that she got rid of the extra help, Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center has decided to release the four remaining octuplets!
A rep for the hospital, Jim Anderson, defended the decision by saying “That won’t have any impact. That is between AIW and Nadya Suleman. The AIW is a whole separate thing. Our decision to discharge the babies previously and now, never had anything to do with AIW.”
They bette make sure Octolooney can handle all those kids, though!!!!
The hospital rep adds, “Our home health nurses have done a couple of visits and have provided some training and guidance to her new caregivers. Remember, these babies are discharged home, just like any other baby would.”
One of the hospital nurses who visited Octo-Mom’s home on Tuesday said that “there are two pediatric nurses coming every day to help out the nannies.” So nurses plus nannies doesn’t sound too bad does it?
“Obviously, they want to make sure she has enough people to take care of them, but, in terms of who the caregivers are, that is pretty much her decision,” says the hospital rep.
Very true. But she better have enough help to properly take care of the kids!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 25, 2009 11:44am PDT

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