On the day of O.J. Simpson‘s death, naturally his biggest scandal is being brought up once again. We are of course referring to the long-whispered rumor he’s the actual father of Khloé Kardashian.
The conspiracy theory has been going around for many years, based on the fact O.J. was a good friend of the Kardashians — and Khloé towers over her sisters. Many assume she surely must have a different poppa from five-foot-nothing Kim and Kourtney, and when fans notice The Juice was around before her birth… Well, that’s how this kind of thing gets started anyway.
Related: Caitlyn Jenner Had A STONE COLD Reaction To O.J. Simpson’s Death! Damn!
And it’s never died down either. When headlines of the NFL star’s passing hit, the internet did its internet thing. Khloé’s social media quickly filled up with condolences. She even trended on X as cheeky users posted tweets and even comments in her Insta feed like:
“R.i.p to Khloe Kardashian’s dad OJ Simpson”
“Has anyone checked on Khloé Kardashian? She must be devastated about her dad”
“My condolences”
“You on vacation and yo daddy done gone to glory!!!”
The thing is, this wouldn’t be some great mystery if folks just listened to what those involved actually said about the affair and paternity rumors.
Back in 2022, O.J. appeared on the Full Send Podcast and the host brazenly brought up the conspiracy theory! They asked about the Kris Jenner affair, and the Naked Gun star got frankly a little shady about it! He said he was NOT into the future momager back then:
“You know, people have their types, right? I always thought Kris was a cute girl. She was really nice, but you know, I was dating supermodels.”
When the hosts pressed him:
“Some people think you might be Khloé Kardashian’s real dad.”
O.J. wouldn’t budge. He replied:
“No, no, no I’m not.”
He even stated flat-out, once and for all:
“The rumor ain’t true. It’s not even nowhere close to being true.”
When they asked what he thought about how the rumors getting started “because Kim is like 5’5″, Kourtney’s like 5’3″, and Khloe’s like 6’2” O.J. actually said — joking or not, we have no idea:
“Well, I’ve seen the family say something about a cook or something, but I don’t know.”
Dang! See O.J.’s testimony (below):
For her part, Kris has also dismissed the rumor — but with far less good humor!
On a 2019 episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, she even cried about it going around again on the anniversary of Nicole Brown Simpson‘s murder, saying:
“They printed a story that I was sleeping with O.J. That f**king piece of s**t. It’s really kind of pathetic that when rumors get started, the media gives it life and breath and on the anniversary of Nicole’s death. It’s so tasteless and disgusting.”
She added through tears:
“After 25 years, you’d think it just wouldn’t be a thing. It’s just lie after lie after lie after lie, and it’s only so much that one human being can take.”
Well, there you have it! Whether you believe it… that’s up to you, we guess!