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Orange Is The New Black Actress Severely Injured, Cast Asking Help With Donations!

orange is the new black injury miss claudette
Oh no!
Michelle Hurst is a wonderful actress who plays the intense Miss Claudette on Orange Is The New Black. She’s also been in a very serious car accident — one that has left her with severe injuries.
Injuries so bad that the cast has set up a fundraising page to help her.
It was only yesterday that she woke up from her coma to learn of her own serious injuries — the coma was medically induced and lasted for 16 days. The accident happened right before the holidays.
She was put into the coma so doctors could operate very very close to her spine.
She’s still in the ICU at UNC Chapel Hill Hospital in North Carolina, and we all know how expensive healthcare in this country is — so they’re trying to raise money for her medical bills and time taken off of work
Piper Kerman, the author of the memoir the series is based off of, tweeted this (which includes the donation page!):

The good news? They reached their $5,000 goal — and then some. As of the time of this post, they’re at $12,234 with 19 days to go!
We’re sure the money is going to help greatly with the extent of her injuries, so we’d say keep going with the donations!
So inspiring!

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Jan 17, 2014 16:29pm PDT

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