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EXCLUSIVE: Making Room For The New Toys Before Christmas

EXCLUSIVE: Making Room For The New Toys Before Christmas

Q & A with correspondent and organizing expert John Trosko!
Perezcious reader Catherine asks:

My toy storage and playroom have become a disorganized disaster. Christmas is coming. More toys are surely on their way to make it worse. Do you have any toy organizing advice for managing the mountain?

John suggests “rotating toys.” He says:

In just a few short days, you know there’s going to be an even bigger avalanche of toys in the playroom. My number one tip is to prepare now. In order to minimalize the amount of toys in the space, attempt to pull out toys and declutter what your children haven├óΓé¼Γäót used in a while (or even new unwrapped toys they├óΓé¼Γäóve not noticed). And don├óΓé¼Γäót forget the books!
Once you’ve selected and pulled the toys, store them in clear containers away from the play area (in a different location if possible). Label the boxes and age group if you are storing for much later use. Then, rotate toys monthly. Save holiday or seasonal toys separately. Remember, less is more when it comes to toys. Less in the toy play area means more focus, enjoyment and appreciation for what they have.

Moms: what are your toy organizing tips for Christmas? Tweet your ideas to @johntrosko or visit John’s blog OrganizingLA.

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Dec 18, 2011 10:00am PDT