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Oprah Winfrey

Ouch! Oprah Slipping!!!!

Is Oprah losing her touch? Or are all her viewers just taking a nap through her shows now?
Hard to say why it is, but the Big O is having a problem with her ratings: they suck!
In the last five years, the talk show queen’s viewership as gone down 32%, nearly a third. Plus, her ratings for the week of July 4th were the lowest the show ever had since 1983!
Of course, if you factor in that it was a holiday week, the show is in reruns, and Michael Jackson coverage was dominating the airwaves, it doesn’t seem so bad. But industry analysts are wondering if the “O” can hold onto her TV throne much longer. Says one, “She can last for as long as she wants to last. But it gets to the point where fans might be getting a little tired of her show.”
That’s true, but what she really needs to do is just get some more jacked-up, crazy, couch-jumping kind of guests on. That’ll bring in more ratings!
We’re sure she’ll be fine, though. C’mon, it’s Oprah!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 17, 2009 11:30am PDT

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