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Parental Support For LGBT Teens Can Prevent Suicide!

Parental support for LGBT teens will prevent suicide

It seems like a no-brainer, but the idea of “supporting” a teenager’s choice in sexuality doesn’t seem to be crossing the minds of parents these days.

With terrible headlines about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teens being bullied or committing suicide appearing across the media, it’s time to be aware how to stop this hate from negatively affecting more innocent teenagers!

Zac Brokenrope, a junior at Boston University, recalls getting called into the school office almost every day as a freshman in high school. His offense, he was told, was “acting gay.” He shares:

“I would literally lay awake at night in bed, just (dreading) to go the next morning, wondering what I was going to get in trouble for that day, wondering if someone was going to say something on my behalf.”

Who needs to speak up first? The parents!

Based on interviews with self-identified LGBT, a new study at San Francisco State University, called The Family Acceptance Project, is finding that support for LGBT from their parents is likely to prevent suicidal thoughts and behaviors, as well as depression and substance abuse.

Acceptance is so simple, but it has to start at home!

Another study in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing predicts positive outcomes in mental health, self esteem, and overall health status with family support for LGBT youth, as well.

It’s so sad to hear that kids are getting in trouble at school for just being themselves.

If you want you’re child to have a positive and supportive learning environment at school, then it has to start at home.

If you ever hear your child is getting trouble for “acting gay”, please speak up on your child’s behalf.

There are numerous resources throughout the country such as the Trevor Project that provide support, in addition to the Gay-Straight Alliance Network and numerous groups at colleges and universities, but the most important support comes from family.

Parents, please accept and love your children for who they ARE, not who you WANT them to be!

[Image via AP Images.]

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Dec 06, 2010 20:00pm PDT

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