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Paris Jackson Is Being Deposed In Late Father's Wrongful Death Lawsuit!

Seems like everyone wants this young lady.
Paris Jackson is being deposed this afternoon in the wrongful death lawsuit concerning her late father Michael Jackson.
Here’s what a source said:

├óΓé¼┼ôThe deposition will take place in a private interview room that is big enough to accomodate lawyers for Katherine, and AEG, beginning at 1:30. The deposition could go all day. Even though Paris isn├óΓé¼Γäót expected to testify at the trial, AEG wanted to take her deposition because she is a co-Plaintiff in the case.”

Her brother Prince Jackson made a deposition last week, but apparently that did NOT go too well!
Here’s what a source said:

“Prince was also deposed last week, and it didn’t go well for him. In fact the proceedings grew so intense for Prince, that a break was called, and it had to resume the next day,”

Well, what do you expect?!
He’s just a kid!
We have a feeling Paris will be much more prepared and will handle herself just fine.
Get ’em girl!
[Image via AKM-GSI.]

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Mar 21, 2013 19:27pm PDT