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Paula Deen Makes Tearful Excuse For The N-Word On TODAY With Matt Lauer

Paula Deen just doesn’t seem to get it! She’s been trying to scramble out of something that’s offensive and awful, and the blowback is ruining her career — that’s something ANYONE who got themselves into her situation would try to do. Unfortunately, she’s been trying to justify her actions instead of just flat-out making amends. And that’s how things are getting wooooorse!
She went on the TODAY show early Wednesday morning, to talk to Matt Lauer (above). And, things aren’t looking good for Paula!
In fact, she didn’t really help herself at all with her excuses, such as saying she wants people to cast stones so hard that they kill her… and thinking that NAME DROPPING Rev. Jesse Jackson is a good enough excuse to making saying racist things OKAY.
So let’s take a look at what she’s saying to Matt. First, he asks her if she’s still feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and shocked:

‘Somewhat, yes. Because– there has been some very, very hurtful lies said about me.’

We’re not sure they’re lies if they’ve come out of a deposition where you’ve admitted — under oath — to doing the things that have gotten you fired!
Here’s what she said about whether or not she knows that the n-word is offensive to black people:

‘I don’t know, Matt. I have asked myself that so many times. Because– it’s very distressing for me to go into my kitchen and I hear what these young people are callin’ each other. It’s very, very distressing.’

We’re smellin’ some bullshiz!
She just has to know that word is offensive! Even if she can’t feel it within herself morally for whatever reason, she sure as hell has been taught that it’s offensive by society at this point! She is a GROWN ADULT.
Now, let’s listen to her blame others:

‘It’s very distressing for me because I think that for this problem to be worked on, that these young people are gonna have to take control and start showin’ respect for each other and not throwin’ that word at each other. That– it is– it makes my skin crawl.’

And, just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, she says this:

I’ve had to hold friends in my arms while they’ve sobbed because they what’s bein’ said about me is not true. And I’m havin’ to comfort them and tell them it’s gonna be all right. If God got us to it, he’ll get us through it. I’ve had wonderful support from Reverend Jackson.
(SNIFF) I’ve had wonderful support. And I tell you what, if there’s anyone out there that has never said somethin’ that they wish they could take back, (SNIFF) if you’re out there, please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me. Please. I want to meet you. I want to meet you. I is what I is and I’m not changin’. And I– there’s someone evil out there that saw what I had worked for and they wanted it.

Look, Paula, if you want forgiveness, you HAVE to stop it with the excuses and the pity party and the name dropping. It’s really hard for anyone to trust you after the shizz you pulled with Novo Nordisk, and the deposition — including wanting black employees to pretend to be slaves for a wedding — is NOT helping that.
We have no idea if any of this damage is irreversible, but what we do know is that we’re tired of feeling like we’re being fed what you think what we want to hear!
Own your shady past, apologize WITHOUT excuses, and move forward making this world a better place for all races. Oh, and never EVER use that word again!
The full 13 minute interview can be seen above. It’s worth a watch, for sure — and we’re glad Matt did not go easy on her!

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Jun 26, 2013 10:05am PDT

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