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We mentioned previously that Nick Hogan is having “troubles” adjusting to prison life.

Little bitch Hogan’s so annoying!

Real prison’s nothing like the ‘prison’ of a comatose state and nursing home care that he sentenced his friend to through his reckless driving – just sayin’.

Well, today, a Florida radio station played some of the calls Nick’s been making to his mommy, crying on the phone to her.

Here’s a transcript of one those conversations:

Nick Bollea: “Had I known this, I would have rather gone to trial or I would rather, you know, appeal the case or something. I can’t deal with this for eight months. It’s like the size of my bathroom.”

Linda Bollea: “Oh!”

Nick: “No windows or nothing. Just one little top bed thing.”

Linda: “Oh my God!”

Nick: “All you do is sit there and think, and there’s nothing to think about.”

Linda: “We’ll get through it.”

Nick: “Yeah.”

Linda: “Prove to everyone you’ve learned your lesson and be more careful.”

What a fucking douche!

What did he expect???? Camp cupcake???

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May 22, 2008 11:15am PDT

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