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Star Seeker

Ashlee Simpson

Naughty Naughty Liars


Earlier this week, we mentioned that Petez Wentz said he and Asslee Simpson weren’t taking a honeymoon.

Wentz said on Tuesday, “This [reported] baby has not been confirmed. The only thing I’m confirming now is that we’re in the basement on our honeymoon with these blow-up palm trees.”

Turns out someone was fibbing!!!

Pete and the new Ashlee Went were indeed honeymooning this week – in the Caribbean. Turks and Caicos to be exact!

And, what’s ESPECIALLY INTERESTING is that the photos of the two frolicking on the beach and enjoying married life didn’t pop up until AFTER they had left.

They were sooo in on it!

Poppa Joe probably arranged it with the photo agency, that got exclusive pics, so that Ass and Pete would get a cut of the profits from the sale.

Hey, they pimped out the wedding, you’d only expect them to pimp out the honeymoon too!

The newlyweds kept their honeymoon short as they had to board a plane to New York City.

The two are in town since Pete’s band, Fall Out Boy, are expected to perform at a young girls Sweet 16 party.

How many other lies have Simpson and Wentz been telling lately???

[Image via WENN.]

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May 23, 2008 14:45pm PDT

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