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Python Hiding In Swedish Woman's Loudspeaker Is Drawn Out With A Dead Mouse! And It's All Caught On Video!

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Boom boom WOW!!!
A Swedish woman was shocked recently to find a python coiled up inside one of her loudspeakers in her house, and became extremely frightened when the snake began slithering up and down her Stockholm based apartment.
But after she called the police, the python went into its original speaker hideaway, and was NOT coming out no way, no how!
Well, it wouldn’t come out until they brought the snake and the speaker to the local Skansen aquarium where the staff there came up with a brilliant solution to coax the python out.
The way they did it was by using a dead mouse! Which sounds gross to most humans, but is probably considered a luxurious meal in the snake world.
After capturing the snake, officials determined it was non-deadly Australian carpet python, and probably broke loose from a neighboring apartment.
We wonder if the python will ever slide its way back to its original owner? They probably miss each other a lot!
Check out the video of the snake falling for the bait… AFTER THE JUMP!!!

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Mar 06, 2014 11:29am PDT