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Ray J Wants A Kut Of The Kim Kardashian Sex Tape Sale!

Ray J Wants A Kut Of The Kim Kardashian Sex Tape Sale!


But of course! Here comes the catch!

Ray J recently spoke out about Vivid Entertainment possibly selling the rights to his sex tape with Kim Kardashian, Kim K Superstar for $30 million to Kris Jenner an unknown buyer – and thinks it’s a great idea!

Except now, he has one condition regarding the business deal – he wants a piece of the cash!

According to a letter his lawyer recently fired off to Vivid’s Steve Hirsch, which demands that he keeps partial copyright ownership:

“Any attempts to transfer the copyright outside of these parameters will result in filing a motion with the courts to seen an injunction of any sale until Ray J’s rights are protected. My client rarely has a conversation with industry professionals where the Tape has not been mentioned or questioned…no amount of money can relieve him from this nightmare.”


Who does this guy think he’s kidding? We’re sure he’s made quite the pretty penny off that thing, and all that nicely worded legal jargin is basically saying he wants to ca$h in MORE!

We all know that tape is the best thing to happen to your career!

Nice try, buddy!

[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 03, 2011 13:20pm PDT