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Real Housewives of Atlanta's Porsha Stewart Better Twirl Into Some Dramz Or She's Out Of A Job!

rhoa porsha stewart fired unless more drama
Looks like someone’s divorce dramz and short-haired wig isn’t enough for Bravo!
Porsha Stewart might’ve secured herself a second season of Real Housewives of Atlanta when Kordell Stewart dumped her like a bad weave, only for her to find out via Twitter!
But now, Porsha apparently hasn’t stepped it up to lock in a third season! We guess stepping into her mom’s bedroom to take it over wasn’t the step execs wanted to see…
While she hasn’t been fired from the show yet – and she WILL finish out the season and be at the reunion – her cushy job with Bravo is in jeopardy!
We hear that producers are still on the fence about Halle Berry from B.A.P.S Porsha. They’re supposedly planning to see how the rest of the season goes, but will make a decision after the reunion.
What this means is Porsha better turn it up! Might we suggest having an affair with a married man? Or maybe flip a table at a dinner party? Or maybe drink like a wild woman and tell people to shut the f*ck up??
The possibilities are endless, gurl!
[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 18, 2013 14:20pm PDT

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